What you see in a 3D scan of yourself could be upsetting
What does a machine see when it looks at you? Jessica RidgwayAmazon is reportedly looking…
What does a machine see when it looks at you? Jessica RidgwayAmazon is reportedly looking…
It's been 70 years of instant photography, thanks to Edwin Land, on the left. AP…
How fast will mobile data get? alphaspirit/Shutterstock.comEvery decade or so, the wireless industry rolls out…
How fast will mobile data get? alphaspirit/Shutterstock.comEvery decade or so, the wireless industry rolls out…
You heard it say what? Roman Stetsyk/Shutterstock.comAs a speech scientist, I never thought I’d see…
It's worrying, and potentially dangerous, when someone peels back the curtain of another's identity. The…
Should an algorithm try to guess what gender people are by how they look? all_is_magic/Shutterstock.comImagine…
An artist's illustration of a black hole "eating" a star. NASA/JPL-CaltechEarlier this year, astronomers stumbled…
Could this monitor and window be combined with a solar panel? patat/Shutterstock.comImagine standing in front…
If everyone else sticks with salad, maybe you will too. Rawpixel.com/Shutterstock.comIs self-control something you can…