Singapore – A member of the public took to social media to ask why safe entry ambassadors are “rude or impolite” and received numerous responses from the online community, some in agreement while others pinpointed that they were merely doing their jobs.

On Tuesday (June 16), Chantel Boey raised a question at Facebook page Complaint Singapore. “Why are some of the safe entry ambassadors rude or impolite?” asked the concerned citizen. With 159 comments to date, netizens pitched in to share what they believe could be possible explanations to the question.

Many agreed with Chantel’s statement as they personally experienced similar instances with ambassadors. Azmi Ramli shared that he pulled down his mask for a while because he was on an urgent call and the person on the other line couldn’t hear him clearly. An ambassador allegedly “scolded” him twice for not wearing his mask correctly. He commented that the ambassador could have advised him instead of scolding him for his actions.

Photo: FB screengrab/Chantel Boey
Photo: FB screengrab/Chantel Boey
Photo: FB screengrab/Chantel Boey
Photo: FB screengrab/Chantel Boey

Another netizen added some ambassadors were not only impolite and rude but also didn’t abide by the safety measures they are enforcing. “The most xia suay ambassadors look like those protestors in other countries,” said Andrew Kek. Zheng Kan explained that ambassadors were sometimes rude to members of the public who don’t follow the rules to get the point across. “But some really too much lah knn (sic) act like police,” he added.

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Photo: FB screengrab/Chantel Boey
Photo: FB screengrab/Chantel Boey

Others mentioned how one would be tempted to misuse power when it falls on his hands. “They wanna flex their authority,” said Marcus Wong. (They) stand in groups of 4 and stare at people like their eye power can separate people,” he noted.

Photo: FB screengrab/Chantel Boey
Photo: FB screengrab/Chantel Boey

A few provided other reasons why some social distancing or safe entry ambassadors could be lacking in the necessary patience such as the lack of proper training or simply because there are stubborn individuals who don’t abide by the rules.

Photo: FB screengrab/Chantel Boey
Photo: FB screengrab/Chantel Boey
Photo: FB screengrab/Chantel Boey

Netizens pinpointed that the rules are simple. “If you follow, there will be no need to have interactions with them,” said Trevor Lee. Meanwhile, Win Batch, who always starts with a “Hi” when engaging with an ambassador had no issues thus far. Another suggested smiling harder, given it isn’t easy to see facial expressions with a mask on, to appear more friendly.

Photo: FB screengrab/Chantel Boey
Photo: FB screengrab/Chantel Boey
Photo: FB screengrab/Chantel Boey

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