
A very calculative parent called out their child for only giving him and his wife $200 each as a monthly allowance.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers on Friday (Aug 19), without mentioning their gender, the netizen wrote that they were a relatively fresh university graduate in their early 20s. They had only been working for about a year.

“As we all know when the pandemic struck, it was extremely tough to find a job and even if we secured one, the salary was generally ‘lowered’ due to covid reasons. I started off with only $2.9k per month (-cpf left $2320) & give my parents a monthly allowance of $150 each which is 10% of my salary.

While this amount may not be a lot, but it adds up as the months go by, and I’ve gradually increased to $200/parent now”, the netizen wrote.

However, they added that recently, their father kept bringing up the topic of money, remarking that the $200 a month each parent received was “pathetically little”.

“He says i should be ashamed of myself for giving this little after he brought me up etc, and claims I’m ungrateful and not a good child and that since I’m giving this little I might as well keep it for myself??”.

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Frustrated, the netizen remarked that they were not earning a lot to be giving their parents a significant sum. They added that they were saving for an upcoming BTO and keeping some for their own expenditure.

“it’s not my fault that my parent don’t have a retirement plan for himself? (Also he’s a full time working adult that can earn up to 5 digits on good months)”, the netizen wrote.

They added that while it was a common practice to give one’s parents money, “i personally feel that it shouldn’t give any parent a sense of entitlement and demand to it.

Call me out if you wish, but I didn’t ask to be born and it is the parents responsibility to bring your children up that you have brought to this world. It shouldn’t entitle you to make your child your cash cow and retirement plan”.

Adding that they felt very stressed out and pressured, the netizen asked others if they could relate.

Here’s what others commented: