The dark smudges found on the wall of a Singaporean tenant’s HDB flat less than a month ago was caused by water. After filing a report, HDB confirmed that there was mould.

HDB added that they will arrange for the walls to be replaced “on a goodwill basis” if necessary.

“Our investigation of the flat…. indicated that the mould was likely caused by the wall coming into excessive contact with water during the washing of the flat without it being allowed to dry properly. If the windows are kept closed before the floor and wall can dry properly, the damp condition could promote the growth of mould.”

“We will be meeting the resident to discuss how best to remove the mould from the walls. If necessary, we will arrange for the building contractor to replace the affected wall on a goodwill basis,” HDB spokesperson added.

“We have not received similar feedback from other residents in the precinct. To keep the walls in good condition, residents are advised not to wash dry walls with excessive water, and to use a damp cloth to remove any dirt and stains instead. For good ventilation, they should keep their windows open after washing the floors,” was the advice from HDB.

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Disbelief over discovery

Newme Joyce described her shock on a Facebook post which went viral when she found big black patches all over the walls of her Tampines HDB flat before she moved in.

Dear HDBI just took my key less than a month, not even started my renovation yet and i m shock to see this inside my unit. Please explain to me why?#tampines greenridges

Posted by Newme Joyce on Friday, 29 March 2019

The post published on Saturday (March 30) received over a thousand shares and hundreds of comments at the time it was posted.

The photos in the post showed the dark patches on the wall, as well as a segment of the house that appeared damp.

Commentators expressed their anger through the comments and discouraged Joyce from staying in the flat. Others also warned her that the spots could be mould which would give health problems later.

Joyce created a separate Facebook post to tag the People’s Action Party (PAP) and Tampines GRC MP Baey Yam Keng.

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Both have reacted and commented, giving assurances that she will be assisted so that the matter can be resolved. Baey however added that a check by HDB did not indicate any water pipe leakage.