Animal welfare activist and MP-elect for Nee Soon GRC announced the arrest of a suspect in the case of Yishun’s serial cat killings.

“I am very pleased to share with everyone that the Police (Yishun North NPC) informed me that yesterday they arrested one male suspect with regard to the cat killings in Yishun. The accussed is in custody and will be charged in Court by the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) on 29 December 2015”, he said.

He appreciated the progress with the investigation and thanked the AVA, the police and volunteers from the cat  community for their hard work and partnership.

“Let’s ensure that justice is served,” he urged.

Commenting on the arrest, Cat Welfare Society said that “this case marks a landmark protocol of cooperation between AVA and Police in handling animal cruelty cases. This should become the new protocol for all other animal cruelty cases to send a strong signal that these crimes will not be tolerated in our society”.

See also  SPCA has referred case of dog kept inside locked car for over an hour to AVA

The Society hopes that with the new bill passed in Parliament with higher penalties for animal cruelty, the “courts will mete out a penalty well suited for these heinous crimes”.

It further advised those that are concerned about animal welfare to not be complacent but stay vigilant about animal cruelty cases and ensure that more perpetrators are brought to justice.

Anyone with information about animal cruelty can contact AVA at: 1800-476-1600.

Mr Ng believes that by “working together, we can improve public safety, strengthen our animal protection efforts and further safeguard the welfare of animals”.