naomi neo

SINGAPORE: Naomi Neo shared an Instagram reel displaying how she – together with her husband – had taken down their old home to build her dream glass house. As shown in the video snippet, the couple destroyed every piece of the house and rebuilt it from scratch. 

“Took 3 years to tear down and rebuild my dream glass house…,” Naomi said. 


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A post shared by Naomi Neo 梁文珊 (@naomineo_)

She also shared that they got the keys to the old house back in 2019, and she did not like how it looked. Naomi gave her followers a quick throwback of all the preparations and rebuilding they had to go through to successfully achieve her house goal. 

People had mixed reactions to her Instagram post, and they expressed their thoughts through the comments section. 

An IG user admitted: “Honestly one of the nicest houses ever!” 

Another IG user remarked: “Everyone’s dream house.” 

See also  Naomi Neo shares 5 tips on how to know if your current boyfriend or girlfriend is the right one for you

Yet another IG user stated: “Legit one of the prettiest house I’ve ever seen.”

However, others questioned her decision and said she should have bought a new plot of land instead. 

“You could’ve bought land instead,” said another IG user. 

“Wah why don’t you buy an empty land instead,” a user declared. 

Netizens also left advice on how to take care of her glass home. 

One user mentioned: “Hope you have solar uv film all your glass! UV decolourisation of the furniture is real… and it would really be sad when that happened.” 

Another user suggested: “Why never make glass pool? More unique.” 

Naomi Neo did not reply to any of the comments above. 

Watch her House Tour: