What do you do when mosquito repellant gets sold out in an area which has been flagged as a zika cluster? Leave an insect repellant in every lift. That’s exactly what a Bishan resident did.

Concerned that his neighbours may get bitten, and pass on any infection unwittingly, he (or she) placed a big bottle full of insect repellants in all the lifts, with a note asking his neighbours to use it.

Facebook user Neo Wei Hong who shared the neighbours super considerate act. He captioned his picture:

“Omg I super love this! Saw this at one of the HDB blocks in Bishan. It seems that a thoughtful resident placed a full bottle of mosquito repellant in every lift for his/her neighbours to use given that repellents are being sold out everywhere.

Can we have more of such community spirit please? :’) Majulah Singapura!”