Letter to the Editor | Cyclists not adhering rules can hamper road safety, could LTA consider prohibiting cyclists on certain roads?


Photo: FB screengrab/SG Road Vigilante – SGRV

Dear Editor,

I refer to The Independent’s report (July 1) – a video which showed groups of cyclists in HarbourFront sparks public concerns & criticisms for disregarding traffic laws. This video was shown on Facebook community page SG Road Vigilante- SGRV on June 28.

Foremost, let us always keep in mind the Road Traffic Act (Chapter 276, Section 112). It clearly states that road traffic requires the cooperation of all road users for its smooth and efficient operation.

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Lee Hsien Yang on HDB lease decay: “Singaporeans, are you better off today than you were two years ago?”


Photo: YouTube screengrab -Lee Hsien Yang

Asking if HDB leases can be more than just “depreciating assets worth zero”, Lee Hsien Yang wrote in a Facebook post on Sunday (Jul 10) that Singapore should look to study examples elsewhere.

Lee Hsien Yang, the younger brother of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, asked if HDB leases have a “beyond zero” option.

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Chee Soon Juan: Lee Kuan Yew was right; we need innovative & critical thinking to meet complex changes going forward


Photo: FB screengrab/cheesoonjuan

Opposition leader Chee Soon Juan attended the commencement at the National University of Singapore for his daughter’s graduation recently.

In a Facebook post on Saturday (July 9), he wrote that he agreed with founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, who was quoted in the commencement programme notes, that innovative and critical thinking are needed in order to meet complex changes going forward.

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Netizens call out NTU students auctioning off their hostel rooms for $900 while they live at home, even as international students struggle to find accommodations


Photo: Wikipedia screengrab

Some students at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) have found an easy way to make extra money, auctioning off their own hall rooms while they live at home.

International students, meanwhile, have been having difficulties with finding accommodations.

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Li Shengwu says there’s “substantial risk” he would be imprisoned should he return to SG: “It’s gutting to be unable to return home”


Photo: FB/Shengwu Li

Li Shengwu, the nephew of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, said on Monday (Jul 11) that he has reservations about returning to Singapore.

Mr Li wrote that it had been 5 years since he left Singapore “because of a political prosecution by the Singapore government. Friends often ask me if it’s safe to return”.

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