Staff who says he’s working in ‘toxic work culture’ asks if ‘6 months too soon to quit job?’

SINGAPORE — A staff who says he has been working in a government agency only for six months was “crowdsourcing reality checks and words of wisdom” on r/askSingapore on Monday (Feb 6). He wondered if it was too soon to quit and look for another job.
He explained that while he was hired for a one-year project, there has been “ZERO progress, not because I haven’t been doing anything but because management keeps changing direction.”
Netizen asks ‘is it true that kids are harder to take care nowadays compared to gen x/y when they were kids?’

SINGAPORE — A local Reddit user commented that he had heard from his friends that it was difficult to feed their children, “like they literally have to beg them to eat or cooperate with anything at all.”
u/grampa55 went on to wonder in a post on r/askSingapore on Monday (Feb 6) if it’s true “that kids are really harder to take care (of) nowadays? If yes, what could be the reason behind (it)?” writing that he had heard “elder folks saying their kids dare not behave the same way as their grandchildren do.”
DJ Jade Rasif’s new discovery about toilet bidet; it’s ‘not meant for washing your private’ parts

SINGAPORE — In one of her Instagram stories, DJ Jade Rasif shared her recent discovery about Italian toilets, specifically their bidets. “I need to show you something about Italian toilets,” she eagerly stated in her story.
She found out that the bidet is not meant for washing a person’s private parts. She then activated the bidet and the water came out aggressively compared to how it is supposed to normally work.
Singaporean woman living in the US but lost her job asks ‘Would you pick SG or US to raise a child?’

SINGAPORE — A Singaporean woman living in the United States recently lost her job. She’s been thinking about moving back to Singapore since she became a mum and asked Reddit users on Sunday (Feb 5) whether they would choose Singapore or the US to raise a child.
The woman explained that her husband is an American and their child has dual citizenship. She added that education and safety are better in Singapore, and she’d have more support from family members, but the move would be problematic for her husband.
Worst dinner date of her life! — Man brags non-stop about his wealth to his date and then asks her to pay the bill

SINGAPORE — A woman vented on the worst first date of her life tells how and why she was counting down the minutes before she could go home. There were red flags from the start.
In an anonymous post on popular confessions page NUSWhispers, she wrote that the experience was so bad she felt compelled to share the story. In her post on Wednesday (Feb 23), she revealed said that they had connected on Tinder. “Even before our food arrived, there were already a lot of things that were off about this guy.”