
Mark Cuban

Apparently, the story of Mark Cuban is far from over when it comes to the DEI policy. Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity are the probably the three most hated words for at least half of America. In addition to this, it seems that the words illegal immigrants are not nearly as hated as DEI. 

However, some are calling out Mark Cuban for his ironic statement. Sportskeeda states, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban engaged in a heated discussion on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) with Elon Musk. 

Patrick Bet-David, a minority owner of the New York Yankees, added an intriguing perspective, pointing out an article from The Guardian highlighting the Mavs’ predominantly White roster. Bet-David questioned the credibility of Cuban’s stance on DEI, emphasizing the team’s lack of racial diversity. 

Although the article was from January 2022, the Mavs’ roster has evolved. Cuban disagreed with Musk’s views on diversity and inclusion, emphasizing the importance of considering individuals of various backgrounds in hiring decisions.

Mark Cuban under fire from conservatives again

This all stemmed when the billionaire tweeted that he has never fired someone based on their race or gender. However, Conservatives dug up a video of the Dallas Mavericks CEO stating that having diversity is important and she has made the corporate team 50% women. Conservatives state that she fired people based on their gender and race. 

Following that, X users state that firing capable employees because they are White is wrong and discriminatory. Replacing capable people with those who lack experience is also peculiar to most people. Typically, the hard-sell for diversity typically end up negatively, thanks to the conservatives and their economic power. 

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The post Mark Cuban under fire from conservatives for hiring pro DEI Dallas Mavericks CEO that allegedly fired people based on race  appeared first on The Independent News.

ByAsir F