
SINGAPORE: A confused man who thought he was in a stable long-term relationship wanted to know how to cope when he found out his girlfriend did not think the same.

In an anonymous post to confessions page NUSWhispers on Facebook, the man wrote: “I am in a stable long term rship or so I thought”.

He explained that his girlfriend recently told him that while she still wanted the relationship “for now”, she was not sure if she wanted them to be in a long-term relationship. He added that he found her confession to be quite sudden but was sure there was no one else. “She still plans dates for us and makes quite a bit of effort for us but every few days she reminds me of what she said. This is stressful for me because I do not know if each day will be the last day”, the man wrote.

In his post, he asked others in the group for advice on how to cope, and how he should proceed.

Most netizens seemed to be sure that the man’s girlfriend had found someone else. Here’s what they said:

Earlier this month, the girlfriend of an NSman took to social media after her boyfriend joined Officer Cadet School (OCS) and broke up with her.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the girlfriend said she considered their relationship to be long-distance and added that “we are really close to finishing LDR. He is currently serving NS, in OCS where he took up some responsibilities”. She did not state if she was overseas.

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She explained in her post that her boyfriend broke up with her because he felt numb and did not see a future for them any more. “But deep down, I know that he still loves me, but has a lot on his plate, and is hard to deal with me as LDR requires more words of affirmation to feel the reassurance. I have honestly been the best NSGF as I could, always buying him gifts whenever he has a special occasion in NS, and my unwavering love and support towards whatever he does/ accomplished in NS. All i needed in this LDR was words of affirmation and the sign of affections, which was given all the way until he entered OCS”, she wrote.

She added that what she considered to have gone wrong was her boyfriend not being able to fully express his feelings. He was scared of his feelings and did not want to fight any more, she said. “But i’m worried that it’s because of OCS, he is just tired from everything and even giving our relationship another shot in this case”, the girlfriend wrote.

Read the full story here:

Girlfriend of NSman wants to save her “long-distance” relationship but says BF changed after going to Officer Cadet School