Singapore – The man caught on camera resisting arrest and shouting, “You know who’s my mother or not?!” after slapping a woman in public has stepped forward to apologise for his actions.

On Mar 25, a 25-year-old man got into a dispute with his ex-girlfriend at a taxi stand along River Valley Road.

On Mar 27, Facebook page All Singapore Stuff uploaded a video of the altercation, during which the man was heard shouting, “You know who’s my mother or not?!” while he resisted police arrest.

The man’s statement has left many online curious about the identity of his mother.

The 21-year-old woman named Kae spoke to Chinese newspaper Lianhe Wanbao and explained that her ex-boyfriend’s mother was not a prominent figure. However, his mother frequently inquired about her son after moving out while the couple was dating.

Ms Kae also urged members of the online community to refrain from criticising his mother, who doted on her son.

She also recalled what had happened before the dispute. Ms Kae shared that she was in a relationship with the man for about a year before things ended between them.

On the evening of the incident, Ms Kae was out drinking with friends when the man suddenly appeared.

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Wanbao reported that the man was drunk and wanted to get back together with Ms Kae. When she said she wanted to leave, the man stopped Ms Kae and tried pulling her into a car, causing her to fall and scrape her knees.

Coincidentally, a police car drove past the scene, and Ms Kae’s friend waved to the officers requesting assistance.

While the police were interviewing the man, Ms Kae walked over to the taxi stand to tend to her wounds.

The man then walked over to her and lashed out at the woman, resulting in his arrest.

In response to the incident, the man has attempted to apologise for his actions by going over to Ms Kae’s house with his apology written on a piece of paper.

“You don’t need to know who my mum is, but I’m sorry,” his note reads, according to a photo sent to Wanbao.

It was reported that Ms Kae did not accept the man’s apology.

Read related: Man shouts ‘You know who’s my mother or not?!’ while resisting police arrest

Man shouts ‘You know who’s my mother or not?!’ while resisting police arrest