SINGAPORE: A maid wanted to return home after just a month because she was not the right fit to care for her employer’s infant.

In an anonymous post to a Facebook support group for domestic helpers and employers alike, the maid’s employer asked others for urgent advice. She wrote that she hired a fresh helper and quickly realised that she was not suitable to care for her baby.

Despite the helper being hired just to care for her child, the maid could not perform. “Despite all my efforts from last one month I realised no matter what I do. She is not going to fit. Now she ask me to book her ticket for Tomorrow or after 2 days”, the employer wrote.

The woman added: “Is helper is not suppose[d] to serve one month notice. Because I need time to find another helper.please Suggest? Is there any Rule by MoM regarding this for Employer. I have small baby who has fever from 2 days. I need support. What should I do.

I am feeling so betrayed for trusting her during interview”.
Here’s what netizens who commented on her post said:
Earlier this year, a foreign domestic helper took to social media after her employer told her he would have to pay $5000 to the Manpower Ministry (MOM) should she break her contract.

In a post to a Facebook support group for helpers, the maid wrote that she was unhappy because she had to work under stressful conditions. Because of this, she added that she wanted to break her employment contract.

See also  Maid complains that her employers are divorced but still ask her to clean both houses and do double work; she says it is very tiring

However, the maid added: “but my employer says cannot because he must pay $5000 in MOM for penalty”. She wrote that her employer also said she could not be transferred to another employer and would have to return to her home country.

Maid wants to break her employment contract but says her employer threatens that he must pay $5000 to MOM as penalty, asks if it’s true