SINGAPORE: A foreign domestic helper took to social media asking others for help on what to do because her employer refused to give her the transfer she wanted.

In a post to a Facebook group for domestic helpers, the maid wrote: “Not sure if any of you’s have read this. Domestic helper gives one month notice for transfer but employer ignores request, saying she will only give authorisation letter once she finds a replacement”.

While she did not state if that was a situation she personally faced or if it was something that happened to a friend of hers, netizens who commented on the post said that such an incident was not uncommon.

Here’s what they wrote:

Earlier this month, a maid took to social media complaining that her employer was forcing her to stay and work for them despite her wanting to transfer elsewhere.

In an anonymous post to a Facebook group for domestic helpers, a maid asked others for advice as her work permit was due to expire soon and her contract with her current employers was ending. She wrote that her employers wanted her to renew her contract with them, but she added that she did not want to do so.

In the comments section, the maid also said that she had spoken to her employers many times and had even begged them but they wanted her to continue working for them. Others also said that the maid’s only option might be to then return to her home country and then come back to Singapore to work for another employer.

Maid reveals that she is being forced by her employer to stay and work for them, wants to know if she can transfer out

See also  Employer disappointed because his maid refuses to inform the time she’s coming home despite being allowed to go out freely after work