Singapore – Members from the online community speculated about the state of cleanliness of the country after back-to-back posts on social media featured what appeared to be a soiled diaper spotted in a bus and face masks and food packaging left at a public staircase.

On Friday (July 24), Facebook users Raven Qiu and Alyssa Ng shared separate posts on Facebook page Complaint Singapore on their discoveries. Ms Ng, in her account, uploaded a photo of food rubbish left on the steps of a staircase with two face masks discarded incorrectly. “Sg is becoming like 3rd world country,” commented Facebook user Kathijah Habib while another noted that Singapore “now is no longer a clean and happy place. Now, everywhere is very dirty. Even at Orchard Road.” Facebook user Shirley Goh called such actions “uncivilised.”

Photo: FB screengrab/Complaint Singapore
Photo: FB screengrab/Complaint Singapore
Photo: FB screengrab/Complaint Singapore

Meanwhile, Mr Qiu had a more disturbing discovery in his post: a presumably used baby diaper that appeared to be filled with greenish faecal matter that had splattered in the surrounding area. The diaper was spotted at a corner on a bus. “WaPianAh who will be the one cleaning up the mess siol ‘Cleaning officer’ leh,” read the caption. A few netizens questioned in disbelief if the incident happened in Singapore, to which others confirmed the location based on the bus sticker visible in the photo.

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Many urged for the suspect to be put to task, noting the bus had CCTV cameras installed and could apprehend the person responsible. Facebook user JC JC commented it was a baby diaper followed by Tobi Damaris saying it was very irresponsible of the parents or helper to do such a thing.

Photo: FB screengrab/Complaint Singapore
Photo: FB screengrab/Complaint Singapore
Photo: FB screengrab/Complaint Singapore
Photo: FB screengrab/Complaint Singapore
Photo: FB screengrab/Complaint Singapore

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ByHana O