Singapore – Opposition People’s Voice leader and lawyer Lim Tean took to social media to highlight the need for a new government due to the “powerlessness of opposition.”
On Saturday (Mar 13), Mr Lim shared a comment made by a public member on one of his earlier posts. “The truism of his comment is self-evident,” said Mr Lim in response to Timothy Soh’s comment.
“We need a new government,” said Mr Lim. “Opposition without wanting to be the government is a total waste of time,” he noted.
“An opposition that is worth its salt and wants to do good for the People must be working towards being the government.”
He was expounding on a comment by Mr Soh who s
aid, “No point being a minority in the parliament. Asking questions can’t change the circumstances for our next generation. We need a whole new set of leaders who are not afraid to make hard decisions, protect the sovereignty of this country and prevent foreign nations from eating our native citizens’ breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. Recently they have started to eat our songwriters’ lunch. What else? Our char kueh teow and chicken rice?”
Mr Lim also quoted former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who described how he hated the “powerlessness of opposition.”
“It is exactly what Timothy Soh has expressed in his comment. That was what drove Tony Blair to lead the Labour Party out of its wilderness years when they had been in opposition for 18 years, and to their landslide victory over the Conservatives in 1997,” said Mr Lim.
“And he had never had any experience of being in government previously!”
In response to his post, members from the online noted that the opposition has a common goal of becoming the ruling party.
“In this regard, I think all opposition parties should come together as one party as by themselves there is no way any individual party can be. It may be difficult as proven on the first attempt but can try again now that all have 4 years to prepare,” said Facebook user Ang Kam Kwang.
Others agreed, adding that with unity, there came strength./TISG
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