Dear Editor,
It is a thought-provoking Commentary: “Disengaged, indifferent, deluded? Why young workers have an image problem”(TODAY, August 11).

The basic or distinctive differences between employers and employees are, that employers may have set higher and more stringent criteria of life vision, objectives and expectations than employees. In short, the direction of mindset, perspective and action towards end objectives are varied in extent.

From the perspectives of most employers, achieving targets and profit for their business entities is of utmost importance. However, most employees might think otherwise. They may just want to fulfil their job’s obligations according to their company’s regulated guidelines and instructions.

Anyway, employers should sit back and analyse the key question at any one time: Is there a comparable comparison in terms of capability, capital strength, entrepreneurship experience, skills, intellectual possession or whatsoever between employees and employers? Otherwise, why should employees work under employers?

Hence, if both parties could interchangeably switch positions, and thereafter reposition themselves and analyse things from their counterpart’s perspective, most of their problems encountered can be rationally resolved.

In conclusion, if employees could see and deeply ponder whatever potential risks, problems and challenges faced by their employers, they will be better engaged, more productive in their work commitments and least problems (for example, least disengagement, indifference and disobliging attitude, beguilement) given to their employers.

Similarly, if employers could put themselves into the shoes of their employees, they will analyse whatever issues faced from a broader, optimistic, rational or rounded perspective. This will definitely help employers to resolve difficulties in a smoother/handy manner.

Teo Kueh Liang (Mr)