Singapore ― Following a leaked video showing Night Owl Cinematics (NOC) co-founder Ryan Tan addressing his partner Sylvia Chan’s management style, text messages have surfaced showing the latter expressing hatred for ex-husband Ryan Tan and controversial public figure Dee Kosh.

In WhatsApp screenshots that have made their way around the Internet and social media, messages from CEO Sylvia can be seen. She says: “F**king s**t. I hate two of them. Ryan and deekosh. I mean like work wise. F**king egoistic. F**king want to be well loved. F**king poor without me that’s what”.

In the messages, readers are also privy to Ms Chan’s comments on Mr Tan becoming her staff once the divorce is settled. Although both Mr Tan and Ms Chan promised to continue being close business partners in their divorce video, the former NOC team revealed that it was a far cry from what actually transpired. Mr Tan had already resigned as NOC’s director and has not been involved in the company since May 2021.

The leaked screenshot of the WhatsApp exchange do not show who the receiving party is, but show Ms Chan saying: “Once I divorce ryan I will have 100% of noc. That makes Ryan my [staff]”.

Facebook page Wake Up, Singapore uploaded the video on Wednesday (Oct 20) of what appeared to be an old NOC online meeting.

“Talents asking me when is our pay coming in because the pay was never coming in on time,” asked Mr Tan.

When he would ask the accountant and other staff members, he would be informed that Ms Chan has not approved the payroll.

“You think the company is happy with the arrangement of working till 4 am? Nobody. Nobody is,” Mr Tan continued.

Mr Tan noted that the day he leaves the company, many would follow him.

“So, are you listening to the problems we are facing as a team? You still don’t see the problem obviously because you’re smirking and smiling,” he commented.

During some parts of the video, Ms Chan appeared to have been on her phone. “Sylvia can be seen smirking at multiple points of the video,” the post caption added.

It has been reported that a total of 54 employees have resigned from NOC between Oct 2020 to Oct 2021. /TISG

NOC saga: ‘This is not humane, it’s sickening & disgusting how much you disrespect our concerns’ ― co-founder Ryan Tan speaks up against Sylvia Chan’s NOC staff treatment