

A coalition of Democratic lawmakers has formally urged the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to launch a probe into Elon Musk’s Neuralink, alleging that the tech mogul may have misled investors about the safety and ethical practices of his groundbreaking brain chip company.

Legislators pushing for SEC probe

The letter, initially disclosed by Reuters, is spearheaded by Representatives Earl Blumenauer of Oregon, Jim McGovern of Massachusetts, and Barbara Lee and Tony Cardenas of California. The lawmakers point to a series of unsettling reports surrounding Neuralink’s animal testing, bringing into question the well-being of experimental subjects.

Disturbing assertions

One alarming claim is that young and previously healthy monkeys, equipped with Neuralink’s brain chips, were allegedly euthanized, raising ethical concerns about the treatment of animals in the company’s research endeavors.

This echoes the concerns raised by a group of physicians who, in September, implored the SEC to scrutinize Neuralink amid reports of monkeys experiencing severe neurological issues, including swollen and “tattered” brains, paralysis, seizures, and depression.

Elon Musk denies

Contrary to Musk’s assertions that no monkeys have perished due to Neuralink experiments, the lawmakers assert in their letter that evidence exists contradicting this claim. They contend that the reported deaths of monkeys are not only ethically troubling but also have direct implications for the safety and marketability of Neuralink’s cutting-edge brain-computer interface.

The controversy surrounding Neuralink’s animal testing practices has been a focal point of debate. Musk, who has consistently defended the company’s procedures, previously stated that the United States Department of Agriculture found no evidence of animal welfare issues at a Neuralink facility, except for a reported incident in 2019.

Future for Neuralink

As the SEC contemplates the next steps, the future of Neuralink hangs in the balance, with critics and advocates alike closely monitoring the unfolding developments in this high-stakes investigation.

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The post Lawmakers urge SEC probe into Musk’s Neuralink amid disturbing allegations of animal testing issues appeared first on The Independent News.