India — Kareena Kapoor Khan is seen posing goofily in a new framed picture that her sister-in-law, Saba Ali Khan, has shared online. The image shows Kareena’s elder son Taimur posing with her, as she makes a funny face for the camera.
Saba has been sharing family pictures on Instagram and recently revealed that she has also got a few of them framed for the house. She shared the new set of pictures, which also features Taimur with her. “FRAMED …with LOVE #Guess.. there’s one with Tim and Bua Jaan (Me) # after all….! Old is Gold # Life’s little moments captured is a HOME filled with ##tuesdaythoughts #timtim #taimuralikhan #myjaan,” she captioned the images.
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Earlier on Tuesday, Saba had posted an adorable picture of Taimur and written, “FRAMED with LOVE #When I decided to get some family prints made…the photo studio commented ..’mam you’ve given all babies and family pictures . Barely any of you!!’ #Well… I Love family moments.”
Saba had also shared a baby photo of her sister Soha Ali Khan. Soha could be seen having a fun time with her father, late Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, who held her in his arms. “CHILDHOOD Saga…cont’d Who’s this baby doll?,” Saba asked her fans. Most correctly guessed her to be Soha.
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Earlier, Saba had shared another childhood photo of her brother Saif Ali Khan with Mansoor and their mother Sharmila Tagore.
Saba’s is becoming an increasingly popular Instagram account ever since she started sharing pictures of her family. Saif, Kareena, Soha, Sharmila, Saif’s kids–Taimur, Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan make regular appearances on her page.