SINGAPORE: Sengkang GRC member of parliament Assoc Prof Jamus Lim was in the news recently after a resident ‘Jane Wendy’ shared photos of HDB blocks at Anchorvale Parkview that were stained with mould, despite the estate being only about five years old.
Responding to a Facebook thread on social media, the Sengkang GRC MP commented, “I agree that the state of the block is poor, and that is disappointing. It does not look appealing, and for a block that is only 5 years old, it does look older than it should.”
That said, it’s important to recognize why this is so. I’m not a building expert, but I’ve been told that one contributing factor could be the choice of paint. Many new builds do not utilize the most anti-mould paint available. During the first R&R (Repairs & Redecoration) exercise, these are often upgraded. That will be the plan for the cluster, as it has been for other clusters that SKTC has overseen R&R works for,” added Assoc Prof Lim.
Over the weekend, Assoc Prof Lim was on his round in his Anchorvale division visiting residents at the Anchorvale Harvest and Anchorvale Cove HDB estates.

“Amal was clearly proud of his living environment. And part of that environment is, of course, the common areas maintained by the town council. A number of residents asked about the status of the repair and redecoration works, which is due for both the Harvest and Cove clusters, among others,” said Assoc Prof Lim.
The Sengkang GRC MP shared that the R&R process for these clusters has already commenced. But it may not be immediately evident as much of this goes on at the back end.
“The specifications were completed last year, and public tender closed in December. The next steps that will occur in the months ahead are tender evaluation, interview, and contract award, before actual works begin on the ground. Hence, while it may seem outwardly like nothing is moving, things actually are, and such measured steps are required so that the town council is responsible with public monies,” shared the MP on his Facebook.
A check on EM Services website shows that there were four repairs and redecoration tenders called by the company for Sengkang Town Council which closed in December 2022. One of the tenders is for repairs and redecoration to 53 blocks at Anchorvale Road, Lane, Crescent, Street, Link in the Anchorvale Division.

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