Refusing to dissolve the party to integrate the Umno, a PAS leader says the Islamist party must be on top and in the lead in any deal with Najib’s party.

“PAS must still lead in order to uphold and defend “the Constitution, the Quran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet,” says Deputy Youth Chief Nasrun Othman said as reported by the Malay Mail during the party’s annual congress

“All parties, including Umno, should ensure the governance of Malaysia is led by Islam,” he says.

He reckons there is a need unite parties for the sake of Islam but he says PAS grassroots are still not as open to cooperating with the opposing party.

He states that PAS not only represents the interests of the Malay raw but more importantly their governing principle is “to defend God’s religion…the defence of Islam.”

He acknowledges that his stand may face opposition from veteran party members who are still unwilling to cooperate with Umno due to past differences.

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“We are willing to forget past history for the sake of Islam, since that has always been the basis of our struggle all the while, ” Nasrun said.

In a separate statement, Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man also says both PAS and Umno have agreed to cooperate for issues involving Muslim and Malay Interests.