Presidential hopeful Halimah Yacob defended her ungrammatical campaign slogan – ‘Do Good, Do Together’ – against the widespread criticism it has accumulated online by telling reporters outside the Elections Department (ELD) building yesterday that she chose the slogan because “it’s catchy, it’s easy to understand, easy for everyone to relate.”

The 63-year-old unveiled the slogan that has been bashed thoroughly online at a press briefing on Tuesday. Angling the tagline as a call to action, the establishment favourite said that the call personifies her aim to create an inclusive society for all.

The former Speaker of Parliament and elected parliamentarian for Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC who resigned from her roles to contest the upcoming reserved presidential election told reporters:

“I do know that there are also people who support it. (They) find it very good, very impactful. The idea of doing good is something that is so expansive. It covers many things — wanting to see Singapore doing better, Singaporeans doing better, getting the collective support of everyone to stay united so that we can progress together.”

Instead of applauding Halimah for clarifying her slogan, voters called her out for seeming to knowingly promoting poor English:

Susan Khoo: I am shocked that Halimah purposefully chose an ungrammatical campaign slogan. It’s a slap in the face for English Teachers. Now when we correct our students’ grammar, they will say ‘ grammar not important. Even our president cannot construct a proper sentence’.!!!

Jae Chia: Defending her choice of words, Mdm Halimah, 63, said: “I do know that there are also people who support it. (They) find it very good, very impactful. The idea of doing good is something that is so expansive. It covers many things — wanting to see Singapore doing better, Singaporeans doing better, getting the collective support of everyone to stay united so that we can progress together.” Doesn’t this sound like someone who only listens to what he/ she likes to hear and blocks all other comments?

Nelson Sim: Bad one from a presidential candidate. She said “its catchy, it’s easy to understand”. What was she thinking? Are Singaporeans that stupid???

Sunshine Meo: Seems to go against MOE’s campaign to improve written and spoken English in schools. Unacceptable especially from a Presidential candidate.

Ellil Mathiyan: Sets a bad example, if you ask me. Undoing all the good work done by the Speak Good English Movement.

Tsai Teck See: Disaster … test of credibility gone …. instead of admitting to the grammatical error , cover it up with more bs….

Weiwen Loh: So she’s admitting it’s bad English. Well at least she’s aware of it.

Philip Lim: “Catchy” overrides proper English… in order to win votes. Win votes at all cost…#NotMyPresident

Qiu Wei: ask us to use proper english one is you, now tell us no need use proper english one is also you… wayang mode on.

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Carey Wong: That’s one of the biggest issues – they never admit their mistakes.

Also contrary to Halimah’s hopes, voters responding online indicated that they could not relate to the ‘Do Good Do Together’ slogan, as well:

Ravi Kumar: “Do good, do together”. Why not just “Do good together”? Redundancy

Raymond Koh: Tony Tan slogan was “confidence for the future”. Now after his term ends, I am still not confident about our future. Nice slogan does nothing at all.

Loh Wai Poon: The EP is a custodial post not a political one. She should tell us why she is capable of carrying out her custodial duties. Slogan shouting is a politician task. She is no more a politician.

KT Jas Per: say is easy… now can say anything to gain votes… can anyone enlighten me what GREAT ACHIEVEMENT Tony has made for the citizens or the country ? What Tony has said before he was elected ???

Madhavan Charles: That depends on doing good for who really. For the people or the people in power? It’s 2017, I doubt there are as many naive folks. Hopefully.

Anu Banu: No need campaign, no need slogans. Just be ready to move in Istana. And we will get on with our lives. Only one mystery will stay unsolved forever. What is the race in her original IC? My brain seems to be stuck at that point when it comes to this PE. Well, we will never know, will we?

Robert Tan: A banner is only a piece of cloth. A slogan contains only some words. Do they mean anything after the event when they are thrown into a prestigious $840K rubbish bin. During GE voters had seen many slogans.

NC Tay: Totally cannot relate…not sure what your do good means…the way the elites interpret do good can be absolutely different from the common man…or even the totally opposite.

Raymond Koh: They should have tap my brains. I would have given them a better slogan that is truly reflective of them. How about this as a slogan ? “Kaki Kong, Kaki Song”

Jonanthanyoona Yap: it could even not contested and auto become…no need comment too much on slogan and prepare to be “reserved” president.

Alvin Peh: ‘Do good do together’ when disacknowledging ones own race and fak democracy is already bad enuff

Herring Osman: Do good?what kind of good?many dying to get their cpf out at 55.what did you do?

Wong Yking: Now must be Sweet talk….after confirm….no more talk….

Samuel Choong: Do good do together for pap

Halimah Yacob was the last of the presidential hopefuls to submit her application forms to contest the upcoming election for head of state. She submitted her documents to the ELD yesterday, a week after Salleh Marican submitted his documents on 23 August and Farid Khan who followed suit a day later.