Singapore Causeway
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Dear Editor,
I refer to the following article: ICA issues S$100 fine for driver who went into JB with less than 3/4 tank. 

I am concerned with your above-mentioned article not presenting a clearer context of the content. On a simple reading, it gives an impression that if I get caught with less than 3/4 tank, the fine is $100.

You may wish to note that for a motorist that tampers with their fuel gauge to show less than 3/4 tank carries a heavier offence of fine and jail. On reading your article, I do not see this mentioned which may mislead younger readers on the actual penalties.

The comments also make no mention of this.

I hope that you will do the necessary in ensuring a more holistic understanding of driving into JB under the 3/4 tank rule and advise fellow Singaporeans to take note.

I have appended a CED link to highlight the severity.


A Concerned Reader

ICA issues S$100 fine for driver who went into JB with less than 3/4 tank

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of The Independent Singapore.

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