With a North Korean arrested and others said to have left the country on the day of the murder, Malaysia held a reconstruction of the murder scene.

Four suspects being hunted by Bukit Aman in the assassination of North Korean exile Kim Jong-nam are believed to have left Malaysia and are back in Pyongyang.

Reports indicate they left the country for Jakarta immediately after the attack, flying to Dubai and Vladivostok before reaching Pyongyang.

The four – Rhi Ji-hyon, 33, (arrived in Malaysia on Feb 4), Hong Song-hac, 34, (arrived Jan 31), O Jong-gil, 55, (arrived Feb 7) and Ri Jae-nam, 57, (arrived Feb 1) – left for Jakarta from KLIA2 immediately after the attack on Monday.

The Foreign Ministry of Indonesia has reported that Malaysian authorities have held a reconstruction of the alleged murder of Kim Jong-nam, which reportedly involved an Indonesian woman and a Vietnamese passport holder.

A Malaysian man said to be the boyfriend of the Indonesia citizen, is also among those arrested.

The Malaysian Police held the reconstruction on Friday, involving Siti [Indonesian passport holder Siti Aisyah] and three other suspects, at the KLIA [Kuala Lumpur International Airport].

See also  Vietnam woman in Kim brother murder to be freed on May 3

Unverified reports in Malaysian media said Doan Thi Huong, who held a Vietnamese passport, also told police she thought she was working for a reality TV comedy.

LOL Assassin

She is now known as the ‘LOL’ assassin, whose identification was made through a CCTV footage.

Malaysian police also said they have arrested a North Korean man involved in the killing of Kim Jong-nam, a move which could further entrench an intensifying diplomatic altercation.

The detained man, identified as Ri Jong Chol, 46, is the fourth person to be picked up by investigators and the only suspect from North Korea. They other three suspects hold Vietnamese, Indonesia and Malaysian documents.

However, there are reports that other North Korean suspects would have left the country on the same day of the murder.

They might be part of the mastermind team that carried out the murder at the KlIA2, the budget airport of Malaysia.