A woman took to social media to say that while she is grateful for what foreign workers do for Singapore, she is bothered that some do not clean up after themselves when they spend time in public spaces on their days off.

In a post on the COMPLAINT SINGAPORE Facebook page posted on Monday (May 9), she then called upon authorities to do something about these untidy workers, calling upon them to “warn, fine or even terminate their work passes if they can’t even obey laws in Singapore.”

The poster, Ms Janet Lo, wrote, “We are appreciative to our foreign workers who have invaluable contributions to Singapore, taking up jobs that locals are not willing to do. However, there are some who simply tarnish the reputation and created undesirable behavior in public spaces.”

“They are enjoying the clean and green country yet not playing their part to keep our nation clean,” she added.

She then posted photos of the “aftermath of the picnics below MRT track near Kallang station,” which she says occurs “EVERY Sunday.”

In the pictures, the greenery is shown littered with pieces of trash such as plastic and paper bags, as well as pieces of cardboard, presumably flattened out boxes that had been used for sitting or reclining on.

See also  Chinese aunty reluctant to sit beside foreign worker in MRT, only sat down after he gave up his seat

Ms Lo added, “As much as we are tolerant to the noise and drinking sessions in the day, the rubbish they left behind inevitably created displeasure to the rest of us who have been good civic residents.

Dear authority, kindly take action to warn, fine or even terminate their work passes if they can’t even obey laws in Singapore. It is not confined to the ‘green corridor’ under the track, the whole vicinity are littered at every nooks and corners under void decks.”

In the comments to her post, Ms Lo thanked officials who clean up after the litterers.

Other netizens chimed in to say they have experienced the same thing.

One commenter lamented that “Spore is not as clean as it used to be.”

Another recommended that foreign workers who don’t clean up their rubbish should not be allowed to leave their dormitories.

Others appeared to hold the authorities accountable.


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