Judge responsible for Parti Liyani’s acquittal to become Senior Judge of the Supreme Court


Singapore — President Halimah Yacob announced in a statement released by the Prime Minister’s Office on Monday (Nov 15) that High Court judge Chan Seng Onn, who was responsible for overturning the verdict in the high-profile Parti Liyani case last year, will become a Senior Judge of the Supreme Court in January 2022.

Ms Parti, 47, an Indonesian domestic helper whose acquittal made headlines in 2020, worked for the family of the former chairman of the Changi Airport Group (CAG), Mr Liew Mun Leong, from 2007 to 2016. She was dismissed on Oct 28, 2016, and flew home.

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More than 12 people lift car upright after it ran red light and got T-boned in front of Parliament House


Photo: FB screengrab/ROADS.sg

Singapore — The Singapore ‘kampung’ spirit was recently highlighted on social media after a vehicle disregarded a red traffic light and ended up T-boned and overturned by an incoming car. More than a dozen people were captured on camera working together to lift the vehicle that flipped over to assist a victim caught underneath.

A blue Honda Vezel was spotted running a red light at the junction of North Bridge Road and Parliament Place on Sunday morning (Nov 14).

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Survey: Singaporean students more honest than those from US, UK, Australia


Photo: FB screengrab/ministryofeducation, singapore

Singapore — A new study suggests that students in Singapore are half as likely to cheat as those from the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia.

While almost fifty per cent of over 2,500 respondents from the study, which was conducted by OnlinePlagiarismChecker.net, acknowledged that they’ve cheated in their schoolwork at least once, a meagre 21 per cent or even less than half of that number of Singaporean students who took part in the study admitted to having cheated while taking a test.

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Bugis eatery charges extra for “high-end” chopsticks from China, customer considers lodging complaint to CASE


Photo: Unsplash (for illustration purposes only). https://unsplash.com/photos/N9ctLjHZmD8

Singapore — Should customers bear additional costs for eating utensils when they dine-in at restaurants? One woman did not seem to think so, after learning that her daughter was charged an additional $.50 for chopsticks, to the point that she is now considering lodging a complaint with the Consumer Association of Singapore (CASE).

A woman, Ms Chen, said that her 26-year-old daughter ordered barbecue at a restaurant on Prinsep Street, at Bugis, where she shared a meal with her colleagues on Nov 6.

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Most expensive whiteboard in the world! — Kid writes ‘I Love PAPA’ and draws all over white Audi R8


Photo: TikTok screengrab/silenhustle

Singapore — A video of a rather expensive whiteboard has gone viral online. Instead of the typical laminated rigid boards, an Audi R8 Spyder was the choice of medium to showcase one’s artistic prowess.

A video with the caption, “What happens when you have kids,” was posted on short video creation app TikTok on Sunday (Nov 14).

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