In wake of Yee’s child porn-related charges, Shanmugam asks where Amos Yee’s supporters are
Singapore — Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam called the supporters of Amos Yee to account in a Nov 14 (Sunday) Facebook post, linking an opinion piece “exposing” their “hypocrisy.”
A divisive figure infamous for his run-ins with the law at an early age, Yee, 23, has been widely condemned in Singapore, but his cause was taken up by local activists and international rights groups and media. He fled to the United States in 2016, just before his call-up for National Service. He was later given political asylum in the US.
Leong Mun Wai calls for ‘Vaccination Discrimination’ policies to be dropped

Singapore — In a Facebook post on Nov 12, Progress Singapore Party (PSP) Non-constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) Leong Mun Wai made an appeal for the government to end “Vaccination Discrimination” as well as for “Personal Autonomy” to be respected.
Mr Leong already shared in a post last month that while he is not against vaccinations, he is “strongly against ‘segregation’ based on one’s vaccination status,” adding that the “progressive discrimination meted out by the Singapore authorities is getting more and more out of hand, in spite of the groundswell of opposition”.
Large fish in S’pore canal snatched by worker

Singapore — A giant toman fish in a canal was captured on camera getting caught by a worker. On top of amazement at the sheer size of the fish, members of the public hoped it would provide the workers with a big meal.
Facebook page Singapore Incidents uploaded a video of the toman fish, also known as a giant snakehead, stuck in the shallow waters of a canal.
Lawyer M Ravi to represent ‘Healing the Divide’ anti-vax group founder on legal proceedings against S’pore gov’t

Singapore — Lawyer M Ravi has announced he will be representing Iris Koh, the founder of “Healing the Divide” on a pro bono basis as she takes the Singapore government to court for violating her human rights.
In a Facebook post on Nov 13, Mr Ravi said he had been instructed by Ms Koh to “commence judicial review proceedings.”
SCDF performs high-rise rescue after worker gets trapped 70m up on tower crane

Singapore — The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) conducted a high-rise rescue operation after a worker injured his leg while 70 metres up in the air on a tower crane.
SCDF firefighters from the central fire station and specialists from the elite Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team (DART) were activated on Friday night (Nov 12) to a height rescue operation at a construction site along Beach Road.