A father of a 19-month-old girl took to social media to call out her playgroup class after she injured her forehead twice while there.

In a Facebook post over the weekend, one Edwin Ng wrote that because of her injuries sustained at Playgroup in Maplebear Moulmein, she had to undergo day-surgeries under general anesthesia within a short period of three weeks.

“She has recurring nightmares since the surgeries and may have to live with a scar on her forehead”, he added.

In his post, he wrote that the entire ordeal began on Jul 3.

“We received a phone call from the principal to inform us that Little L fell and suffered a cut on her forehead. The principal said she was unable to tell us the actual condition (how deep or wide) of the cut as the blood was flowing out continuously from the cut”, he wrote.


He said that the cut was deep enough for her to have to go for a day-surgery. When he followed-up with the school, Maplebear Moulmein (Maplebear), they told him that none of the teachers witnessed how Little L fell nor did they see what Little L hit her forehead against.

He added that the principal claimed that Little L lost her balance whilst sitting on a chair that was too high for her, fell and landed on the floor on her side. The teacher-in-charge said that she only heard Little L cry out and when she turned her attention to Little L, she saw that Little L was already on the floor, facedown with her hands in front of her.

“How can my little girl who is only 19 months old be left alone with no supervision and left on a chair that was too high for her?” he questioned.

According to Mr Ng, in less than three weeks, the second incident happened. It took place under the care of the same teacher-in-charge of the playgroup.

“According to the varied statements from Maplebear, Little L was made to participate in some activity that required them to lower their head towards the floor. This is despite knowing that Little L is still recovering from the stitched wound and undergoing scar treatment from the 1st incident. Principal said Little L missed the mat while lowering her head and her forehead “touched” the ground. As a result, the stitched-up wound dehiscence (reopened). Yes, the principal used the word “touched” and said there was no sound of an impact”, he wrote.

After rushing his daughter to a surgeon, her second day-surgery was scheduled.

Mr Ng noted: “He (the surgeon) said that there is no way that the stitched-up wound would have reopened with a “touch”. Maplebear took 3 days to inform us of their finalized incident report, after 3 iterations, which we find rather disturbing”.

On Jun 26, Mr Ng and his wife withdrew their daughter from Maplebear “as we lost confidence in Maplebear’s commitment to ensure the safety of Little L and the lack of integrity and accountability in handling the incidents. The principal and teachers showed no empathy to us and more importantly, the teachers were unapologetic”.

“It pains us that Little L had to go through these traumatic experiences not once but twice in less than a month. As parents, it was stressful and heart-wrenching to hold Little L down in the operating theatre while the gas mask is placed over her face to put her to sleep for the two surgeries. Since the surgeries, Little L still wakes up every other night letting out sharp screams”, he wrote.

Meanwhile, Maplebear Moulmein in a Facebook post said they have released an “official statement to all relevant parties.”
