Messages via WhatsApp and SMS have been circulating lately, announcing the opening of a new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) consular office on the 35th floor of City Square in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. However, the MFA itself has announced that these messages are false and did not in fact originate from their office. The MFA has been operating a Consulate-General office in Johor Bahru since November 2009.
The messages say that the alleged new office was opened for the purpose of helping Singaporeans who have encountered problems in Johor Bahru, is open 24 hours a day and is fully staffed by Singaporeans. Furthermore, the message also claims that Singapore nationals no longer have to go to Kuala Lumpur for passport replacements.
The message included contact information (telephone, fax number and email addresses for the MFA Duty Office as well as the Singapore Consulate-General in Johor Bahru). At least two of the contact numbers on the message are the same as numbers provided on the website of the MFA.
In a Facebook post, the MFA clarified the situation by saying that the text had not been sent from their office, and that the Consulate-General has been operational for several years already. It also reiterated that the office is only open during regular working hours, and not all day long, as the text claimed.
If any Singaporeans in Johor need help with consular concerns, the post provided contact information for the Consulate-General in Johor Bahru (+60-7-226-5012) and the MFA Duty Office (+65 6379 8800/8855). Links to the MFA website, Singapore High Commission and Consulate-General in JB Facebook pages were also provided.