The Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources (MEWR) has taken a leaf out of the Ministry of Finance’s (MOF) books and paid 28 social media ‘influencers’ to promote climate action in Singapore.

The MOF made headlines last month when it engaged about 50 social media ‘influencers’ who have a strong following online to generate interest in Budget 2018.

The MEWR has followed suit in engaging ‘influencers’ to make posts about climate change and tag their posts with the hashtag, #climatechangeSG. These individuals have a combined reach of 100,000 and have been engaged for a three-month marketing campaign period aimed to promote eco-friendly habits.

‘Influencers’ also invite their followers to share their own green tips and stand to win prizes such as an iPhone X and vouchers.

Each ‘influencer’ will be paid up to S$35 per sponsored post and the MEWR expects to spend S$1,500 for the entire campaign which began last month.

MOF has not disclosed how much it has paid the ‘influencers’ it engage to publicise the Budget.