SINGAPORE: An employer wanted to know if she could renew her maid’s Work Permit (WP) in advance while her helper was overseas on home leave.

In an anonymous post to a support group on social media, the employer shared that her maid’s contract would end in May 2024. She wrote that her helper wanted to go on home leave for two months to settle some family matters. The employer continued that her helper may want to either continue working for her or another employer. She asked: “Question is do I renew her WP 2-3 weeks (or earlier?)? Can I not pay her salary during the time she’s not here but continue paying her levy? Can she come back to spore just using her new WP, without going through the maid agency?”

Netizens who commented said that they had experienced similar issues before. One shared: “It’s happen to me last year, dit it my boss. For what I know you can renew your helper wp before MOM due date stated on the notice Before she go for holiday. Yes you should pay her levy while on holiday. I am not sure how they made the levy since the helper is on holiday. But you can check at MOM site. About salary then you can discuss with her during holiday is not paid for salary aside from 2 weeks home leave because that’s 2 months . Make sure she is coming back after 60 days before making an agreement. For mine last year I actually got 60 days holiday but I used 1 and half month only so I don’thave to worry for existing days for my OEC since I carried all the docs for my holiday. Remember to bring all the documents when go holiday. All the best. You have a kind heart”.

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Another netizen commented: “Not paying her during her absence is allowed but remember to have some agreement letter, can she comeback without agency? Yes she can I’ve go home for almost 2 months on 2021-2022 because my employer a way to their country at that time but they paid me during my holidays they said take it as year end bonuses but they are the want who sent me home for holidays not my urgent”.

Read related: Maid loses her Work Permit while her employers are overseas, worries about going to the police

A foreign domestic helper took to social media after she lost her Work Permit (WP). The helper wrote in an anonymous post that her employers were overseas, and she was unsure of the next steps. The maid submitted her post to an online support group for domestic helpers and employers alike. She wrote: “Wanna ask, If whats the requirements on how to apply lose (sic) work permit. If report to the police,whtas next? I am a helper and my boss went over sea (sic)”. /TISG