US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un just signed an agreement between both sides. The signing ceremony was convened after the pair met at the Capella Hotel in Sentosa, Singapore this morning – it was not part of the schedule for the day that reporters had seen.

Saying that the meeting has been “far better than anyone has expected, far better than what was predicted,” President Trump said that the document is an “important” and “comprehensive” as Kim said that the past will be left behind and that the world will see a change.

President Trump added, “Our whole relationship with North Korea is going to be very much different than it has been in the past.”

Following the signing ceremony, the leaders indicated that the denuclearisation process will start very quickly. President Trump added that Kim is a “Very worthy, very smart negotiator…A very talented man. I learnt he loves his country very much”. He further said that he “will absolutely” invite Kim to the White House.

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Kim Jong Un’s motorcade was just seen leaving the hotel. President Trump will give a news conference at 2.30pm Singapore time, that will hopefully shed more light as to what was signed.


Trump and Kim kicked off the unprecedented meeting with a handshake and proceeded to speak to reporters for a few minutes before entering into a private session. The pair participated in an an extended bilateral meeting with their aides, following the one-on-one session, before they broke for a working lunch.

Kim told the media, “The way to come here was not easy … the old prejudices and practices worked as obstacles, but we have overcome them and we are here today” while Trump revealed after the one-on-one session that the meeting was “Very good, very very good…Working together, we will get it taken care of.”

After the pair took a walk around the Capella Hotel following lunch, President Trump told reporters that the summit has so far been a “really fantastic meeting. A lot of progress, really very positive. I think it’s better than anybody could have expected. Top of the line, really good.”