SINGAPORE: A Singapore Redditor wanted to “hear some thoughts and views” concerning whether or not money equals happiness.

Reddit user No_Afternoon_3289 wrote on Saturday (Jan 28) that this question “can apply to Singapore or just in general.”

For me, I think it really depends on each person. I’m rather content with my life right now even though I’m not wealthy but as long as my family is healthy, I’m happy,” he added.

One commenter wrote that money is “necessary for a minimum level of happiness,” but he added that after a while “the law of diminishing marginal returns apply and it no longer promises more happiness after a certain point.”

Another chimed in, writing that  “Yes you can go check out the psychology study, I forgot what it’s called, but money does buy happiness up to a certain level then it stagnates.”

A Reddit user warned that “money can’t buy everything, however. But our definition of what constitutes ‘money’ is changing every single day, making it tougher and tougher for us to be ‘happy’.”

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“Money can solve 90 per cent of your problems, leaving your attention to solve the remaining real problems that money can’t solve,” opined another, adding that one should “aim to be happy rich instead of happy poor.”

One offered this perspective: “‘Money isn’t everything’ – rich people living in bungalows. ‘Money is important’ – me, a poor citizen.”


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