Singapore – Video footage of two girls hanging onto the hood of an Audi while it cruised down the road is circulating online, sparking outrage among the online community.
On Monday (Nov 16), Facebook page All Singapore Stuff uploaded the video which has been widely shared on social media beginning Nov 14. The video, initially a Facebook story by one Sheadon Chay Wei Jun shows two girls hanging onto to the hood of the white sedan while it drove down a street. The caption reads, “COVID got us like.”
It appears that the incident took place at a residential estate. A separate post noted in the caption, “Although this happened in a residential estate, it is still risking life and limb.” The page also discouraged the Audi driver for engaging in such behaviour.

Members from the online community were outraged at the video for numerous reasons. One was the danger of riding on top of a moving vehicle. Another was posting such behaviour on social media for the world to see.
“These girls and the driver don’t know how dangerous it is,” commented Facebook user Stephen Tan who called it a “selfish act.” Others mentioned that the vehicle’s plate number was clearly displayed in the video and that the driver should be taken to task. “LTA (Land Transport Authority) should impound the car,” said Facebook user Marc Kingston. A few others pointed out that the road, including residential estates, are public areas and LTA-sanctioned.
Facebook user Sandrian Tan illustrated a scenario should an accident occur to help deter similar actions in the future. “What happens if the car suddenly stops and the girls ‘fly off’ gently onto the road. Have slight head injuries which need medical care. Will the parents or the girls sue the driver or absorb the fees themselves silently?” the concerned citizen asked. “Will the relationship among the friends be the same?” Another netizen added, “Very cool until someone gets seriously injured.”
Many highlighted that posting such footage on social was also an unintelligent move. “Don’t post things if you’re planning to do stupid things,” said Facebook user Muhd Nur Hakim. “The stupid-est thing you can do is to break the law and film it,” added Facebook user Neil TaeYang Caffery.
Since the time of posting, the original Facebook story has been taken down, and the user’s account deactivated.
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