SINGAPORE: With the difficulties of getting matched and hitched for life these days, it’s no wonder that people want to know what characteristics make up the “ideal” partner, especially when one can ask anonymously in an online forum.
This is what one Reddit user did recently, asking: “Dear Singaporean Men, what exactly is your ideal type of partner?”
Clarifying that their question is “mainly for the straight bros,” u/No_Awareness_9811 added in their r/askSingapore post that they were “Just curious what are some qualities and traits — both physical and non-physical that you look for in an (ideally) long-term partner.”
They also asked would-be commenters for their current age, whether their priorities for a partner have changed over time, and what could have caused these changes.
Interestingly, the most popular answer has nothing to do with physical characteristics or personality traits but has everything to do with “the vibe check”.
“You can list a 100 things but the ideal one is the one you vibe with and moral values aligned with yours,” a commenter said, explaining in a further comment that no matter how beautiful a man may find a woman to be, “beyond aesthetics there is the vibe check”.
Others expressed an inclination towards a partner with a sense of morality, saying that if the person they’re dating found a cell phone but sold it instead of seeking the owner, or if they noticed a food bill with one missing item but did not bring this to the attention of the eatery, this would be a deal breaker.
When one wrote that for them, kindness, among other traits, is optional, another answered, “Kind is not optional… trust me bro on this.”
A man in his 40s wrote, “Ideally, the person should be someone you can trust and can be direct and honest with—you don’t really have to pretend to be someone else for them to like you. With her, you can be flawed but still accepted and loved. She will be the kind of partner that won’t demand that you become a better man, but you will want to for her.”
He added that being with one’s ideal woman feels like being at home.
One Reddit user gave this advice to the post author: “Strive to be the ideal you over thinking about what makes an ideal partner for you… I would say real love does not come with a list of things they have to do or be. If I have to fit into a list every day, I don’t think I want to be in a relationship. What matters is that we both pull our weight together and strive to be better individuals in life.”
The featured image above is from Depositphotos and is for illustration purposes only. /TISG
Read also: Singaporeans share their most outrageous and cringe-worthy dating experiences on Reddit