
Chong Sun yesterday (13 Sep) posted in Facebook to ask Minister for Education Ong Ye Kung, why he disregarded parking lots reserved for emergency vehicles at the National Library. We reported it yesterday (https://theindependent.sg.sg/netizen-alleges-minister-parked-his-vehicle-in-a-reserved-spot-in-nlb).

Facebook user Wong Chin Meng said that he emailed National Library Board (NLB) about the incident and that NLB replied saying:

“Dear Chin Meng,

We refer to your email on the article from The Independent Singapore.

There are a total of 3 car park lots designated for invited guests. As can be seen from the photo, two of the lots were available for use by emergency vehicles, if necessary.

Thank you.


Dr Narinder Kaur.
Quality Service Manager.”