Singapore – A kind soul has been delivering groceries to two women amid the Covid-19 pandemic as their free meals have stopped due to the circuit breaker. In return, she has received a McDonald’s Casio watch and life lessons.

On Wednesday (April 29), Ms Sheena Ling took to Facebook to share her experience with a “McDonald’s auntie” and her deaf and mute sister she has been visiting frequently to ensure their well-being amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ms Ling has been visiting the women once a week to provide groceries, all the while ensuring that she maintains a safe distance and follows proper sanitation procedures. “Every time without fail, she would always insist on giving me something before I leave,” shared Ms Ling. She mentioned the freebies she had received.

“She works at McDonald’s, so she gets a free packet of Ribena ever so often,” said Ms Ling. In return for the groceries, she returns home with many packets of Ribena because the woman insists that she take them.

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The woman would also tell her to stop buying so many groceries knowing they were expensive and that her money was hard-earned. “I don’t know how to accept. It is too much. You work very hard to earn all these money,” the woman would tell Ms Ling. “Don’t buy fish, OK? Very expensive,” she would add.

McDonald’s Casio watch

There came a time when the woman ran out of Ribena because she was told to stop work due to the circuit breaker. “Instead, she came out of her room with a brand-new watch.” It was a gift from McDonald’s for being with the company for five years. The woman insisted on giving the watch to Ms Ling, adding that she would not use it as the numbers were too small to see.

Ms Ling, who initially had a hard time taking the item, eventually gave in on seeing the woman’s beaming face. “There are so many lesson points here, but I am overwhelmed now by her kindness,” she wrote. “I’m not going to lay them all out because her act itself should teach us all.”

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She uploaded the post in honour of the “McDonald’s auntie” and to all those who have very little but still give more than their capacity.

The post has garnered more than 5,800 shares and 9,800 likes. Many people have also offered to provide more assistance to the women.

Photo: FB screengrab / Sheena Ling
Photo: FB screengrab / Sheena Ling

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