According to a thread on Reddit, a discussion website, Amos Yee has been “running a pedo-friendly discord server for the past few weeks”. Yee, who has been almost non-existent on social media for the past few months recently resurfaced with word of pedophilia lessons he now allegedly offers.

While Yee’s Facebook page no longer exists, and has been taken down, in a post on Sunday, December 9, in the evening, he wrote, “I’ve been running a pedo-friendly discord server for the past few weeks and I’m looking for new members. This discord server is not open to the public so if you’d like to join, private message me here on Facebook with a small intro of yourself (your views on pedophilia, your political views, how big of an Amos Yee fan you are), and if you’re cool I’ll pop you a link. This is the a description of the server:

‘Magnolia 2.0 is a Pedo-friendly discord server run by Amos Yee and Kokichi Oma. This…”

On Reddit, a full description of Yee’s pedo-friendly discord server was found. It read that “Amos actively tries to find a recruit new members into this server (either people who already defend pedophiles or are open-minded to have their mind changed about the topic, about 5-7 new people a week (maybe more in the future)) so number of members don’t remain stagnant and more new people can engage in the discussion on pedophilia”.

See also  Amos Yee and his ‘messed-up’ relationship with his mother

It also added that Yee offered “lessons on pedophilia to people where Amos will teach members about the positions of pedophiles and hopefully make them motivated to start speaking up for them, or existing pedo defenders can learn debate tactics and how to sound more convincing when putting forth an argument”.

On his own Facebook page, Yee also explained, that he did not want to produce videos or content on Singapore-related topics such as politics and culture anymore, and instead wanted to prioritise his time to focus on western politics such as Pedophilia or Socialism.

His Twitter page also boasted rather shocking posts. One post, which was re-posted on Reddit had an image of a girl who looked to be about ten years of age. It was captioned by account @TheAmosYee as, “How does one not become a pedophile?”

Netizens who commented on Reddit were not fans of Yee and heavily criticized him.
