Bukit Panjang LRT was hit by a five-hour service disruption on Friday, and also, while one of the train was still moving, a door on one of its carriages flew open.
Dilla Damitra and Nadhirah, both student tweeted photos of the incident.
Nadhirah tweeted, “im still so traumatised tho ?”.
Dilla further told CNA that the phone on the LRT did not work when another a commuter on the train tried to call for assistance.
The matter was only resolved 10 minutes after a teacher on the same train used her mobile phone to alert SMRT.
SMRT reportedly said that it “boarded the affected train-car to check that passengers were safe, before closing the door and driving the train back to the station,” as soon as it was alerted to the incident, and that it was investigating the incident.