SINGAPORE: A young man who says he’s feeling tired of the rat race of corporate life said in a Reddit post that he’s considering making the change to becoming a full-time private hire vehicle (PHV) driver in a few years.

U/CuriousBeannnnnnn asked in a Feb 20 (Thursday) r/askSingapore post for the advice and perspectives of others, especially those who have made a similar life switch.  At present, he’s 25 years old but needs to wait until he’s 30 to get his PHV license.

”What should I do in these five years to transition smoothly?” he wrote, asking people to not judge him.

He explained that he has a good job and earns between $4,000 and $5,000 a month, and that he graduated from a private university. What appeals to him most about working as a PHV driver are “the idea of flexibility” and “not having a boss to report to.” He added that he has “the discipline to manage my own time well.”

The post author also has no illusions about the PHV driver’s life being easy, aware that it has long hours and unpredictable income. However, he’s already working 12-hour days, and at least as a PHV driver, he’ll have more control over his schedule. He also knows that in order to earn a decent amount, he will have to work hard.

Most commenters on the post, while sympathetic toward u/CuriousBeannnnnnn, did not encourage him. Many offered advice, such as finding another job with a better work culture and boss. Some reminded him that many PHV drivers have to work “12 hours per day 7 days per week,” which is not a definition of a flexible work schedule by any means.

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Others reminded him that gig jobs such as PHV driving do not have health benefits or rest days, unlike regular employment.

One told him that being a PHV driver is “for retired people, not for young adults who can contribute in so many different ways.”

A number of commenters pointed out that being a PHV driver is not a career, and nor does it offer career progression.

“The longer you do (PHV driving), the more your previous skills deteriorate, making transitioning back increasingly hard as time goes on,” one Reddit user warned.

Another reminded him that being a PHV driver would decrease his chances of finding a good life partner since women don’t normally find men who have no careers attractive.

“Maybe try to find a new career or job line before you give up,” a commenter advised him. /TISG

Read also: “To all drivers out there, if you’re tired or sleepy, please take a break!” — Passenger gives advice after encountering 2 sleepy PHV drivers in a day