It may be difficult for us regular people to sympathise with celebrities. Celebrities tend to have things easier for them such as access to resources. Having a big house filled with luxury as well as maids and personal chefs at their disposal, it does not seem fair for celebrities to compared their workloads to those of people living with far less. Khloe Kardashian recently went on social media to complain about being ‘tired’.

Some fans were unhappy with her social media post. Thankfully other fans find that her comments were more than meets the eye and came to Khloe’s defence. The reality star has faced criticism before on social media. She had experienced controversies in her time in the spotlight. Netizens have critiqued her appearance saying that her photos have been edited. calling Khloe out for cultural appropriation.

The critics said that Khloe tries to take on Black features in her photos. Fans also felt upset that Khloe does not seem to be taking tragedies seriously. Khloe, who regularly uses her platform to sponsor posts for brands posted a marketing ploy in midst of the pandemic and that upset her fans. Fans found her to be out of touch and uncaring, ignoring more than 150,000 Americans who have died from the virus and the economic upheaval that has shaken the country.

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Khloe Kardashian recently upset her fans because of a tweet. Picture: Instagram

Khloe recently tweeted, “2020 we are tired sis!!!! TIRED!!” Netizens then condemned her saying that the reality star had way more resources than most of the other people reading her tweet do to handle the pressures of 2020. Some people were irate about the comments but some came to Khloe’s defence.

The conversation sparked a Reddit thread where fans were similarly torn in their response. There, too, many voiced support for Khloe’s perspective and her right to voice her exhaustion about the state of the world.

“I think she knows [she’s] extremely privileged, [she’s] just addressing all the chaos that is going on in the world like corona and the social injustices. It just sucks all around to see the world in such turmoil, and you [don’t] need to be a person who [isn’t] as extremely well off like the [K]ardashians to understand that its upsetting. Privilege has nothing to do with how sucky everything is right now and the state of our world affects everyone. Some people it affects more than others, but [there’s] no need to be combative about a tweet [that’s] not that insensitive,” one commenter wrote.

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Another pointed out that Kardashian is always going to have more resources than most of the world, so it doesn’t make sense to be mad at her in this particular moment: “she’s allowed to be ‘over it’ just like the rest of the world! It’s not like she said she was tired of not being able to…xyz. I also get that people resent her for being able to live the good life when a lot of people are struggling, but that’s every day, not just during Corona.” /TISG