Singapore—An eighteen-year-old boy fell from the sixth floor of a residential building along Tampines Street on Sunday morning (Dec 27), according to a report from Shin Min Daily News.

The roof of a walkway shelter broke his fall.

The incident occurred at Block 162 on 12th Street in Tampines at around half-past 10 in the morning.

An argument was heard by residents in the area for a few minutes, and then the young man fell down from the sixth floor and through the walkway shelter.

The police and an ambulance quickly arrived on the scene after the mishap, having received an alert at 10.44am.

A report in AsiaOne says that witnesses saw that the young man could still nod when paramedics attended to him, although Shin Min Daily News reported that the scene was bloody. He was conscious when he was brought to Changi General Hospital.

It is suspected that the young man and his girlfriend had an argument, and that he was unwilling to break up with her. It is believed that the young man jumped deliberately after hearing that his girlfriend wanted to end their relationship.

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Neighbours said that the teenager’s fall made a large hole in the roof of the walkway that extended from the HDB.

Shin Min Daily News also reported that the young man was not in favour of the breakup his girlfriend proposed. The couple were seen arguing in the stairwell at the sixth floor of the building in Tampines, said the friend of the young man who accompanied him to talk to her.

The friend said, “They talked alone in the stairwell on the 6th floor, and then this tragedy happened.”

Witnesses shared videos and photos of a flustered-looking woman in blue shorts checking on the boy after his fall, just before the medical personnel arrived.

A resident told Shin Min Daily News that he had heard a loud noise on Sunday morning, followed by a commotion, with people shouting that someone had fallen from the building. He then called the police.

The boy’s case is currently under investigation. —/TISG