Singapore—On the third day of the constituency political broadcasts on Sunday (July 5), the public heard from candidates from the People’s Action Party (PAP) and the Workers’ Party (WP) for Marine Parade Group Representation Constituency (GRC) on issues affecting Singaporeans as a whole, and Marine Parade residents in particular.
The WP’s Yee Jenn Jong, a former Non-Constituency Member of Parliament, tackled the issues that people are facing due to overcrowding, depressed salaries, and widening inequality.
He also expressed concern that Singaporeans are not adapting quickly enough to keep up with disruptions in different industries, as well as the lack of personal financial safety nets that the majority of Singaporeans experience.
Mr Yee said, “Two out of three working Singaporeans do not have enough savings beyond six months.
It is as if we are two different countries in one small island,” he added, concerning the country’s income inequality.
Touching on issues closer to home for Marine Parade residents, he echoed what fellow WP candidates Ron Tan and Muhammad Azhar Abdul Latip said that the opposition team is able to run the town council well and take care of residents’ needs.
The former NCMP said, “Singapore needs MPs who can connect with the people, who care deeply for them. We have the right team to be your voice in Parliament and to manage this town well.”
And contrary to the assertion from the ruling party, there is enough talent in Singapore for more than one political party. Mr Yee said, “The People’s Action Party (PAP) has told you that Singapore only has enough talent for a ‘Team A’, that only the PAP can run this place.
My years of participation in the alternative camp tells me otherwise. The Workers’ Party has raised many issues in parliament and in a responsible way. Our proposals are made with serious thoughts.”
On June 25, the day that Mr Yee was introduced as a candidate for the WP in this year’s election, he took to Facebook to write his thoughts about the young men and women on the WP team who are contesting this year, recognizing as a three-time candidate that it entails hard work and sacrifice.
He wrote, “As you look at these young and well-educated men and women who take on the incredibly tough task of contest against the PAP, you may wonder why? Elections are costly. Candidates need to raise their own funds as well. Elections are time-consuming and energy-sapping. You will get scrutinised. Some even had to choose between their job or to contest. You may even get smeared. Others have faced lawsuits in the past. Those on the alternative camp are truly the ones making sacrifices.”
Indeed, many have commented on the standouts among the Workers’ Party’s candidates this year, including Jamus Lim, Nicole Seah and Abdul Shariff Bin Aboo Kassim. —/TISG
Read also: GE 2020: A better calibre of opposition Part 1: A look at WP’s standout candidates
GE 2020: A better calibre of opposition Part 1: A look at WP’s standout candidates