Singapore — A netizen caught sight of a woman stepping on a carton of drinks so that she could replenish a vending machine with products and reach the top shelf.
The netizen shared about what she saw in a Facebook group called “Complaint Singapore“.
She also snapped several photographs of the scene.
In the photographs, a woman appeared to be replenishing the products in the vending machine at nighttime. She could be seen standing on a carton of drinks, while other cartons lay nearby.

In the netizen’s caption, she mentioned that she had been at Punggol bus interchange, which is found in the North-East Region of Singapore, when she witnessed the sight. She surmised that the woman was unable to reach the top shelf of the vending machine and thus resorted to using the carton of drinks as a small stepladder.
After encountering the post, another netizen remarked that he now knew why the drinks he bought from the bus interchange were always dented. He added that the woman in the photographs was “murdering the can drinks”.

There has been some discourse over whether dented canned food and drinks are still safe to consume.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, cans containing a small dent but are otherwise in overall good condition are generally safe to consume. However, deeply dented cans should be disposed of. Cans with deep dents are ones that consumers can lay their fingers into, and deep dents often have sharp points.
Dents can allow bacteria to enter the can. While rare, compromised cans lead to botulism, a deadly form of food poisoning that affects the nervous system. Symptoms of botulism include droopy eyelids, double vision, difficulty breathing, and trouble swallowing.
You Zi Xuan is an intern at The Independent SG. /TISG