SINGAPORE: A woman who left a company after it “broke” her decided to return to it anyway.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the woman wrote that she considered herself a “boomerang employee”. She added: “Yes, I regret returning to the Company. It was the place that broke me and I walked right back in”.

She wrote that she was naive and thought that the management was finally appreciative of the effort she was putting in, but added that this was just “the start of yet another nightmare”.

“In order not to burn bridges, I am still here (to help out) but I can feel myself falling further into the dark hole day by day. Every other day, I question myself if I deserve all the disrespect and disappointment from the team, and whether it is worth it to continue putting in more effort than I am expected to or walking extra miles. It sucks to feel this way because I expect myself to maintain good work ethics, yet I feel like the team of people I am “managing” don’t deserve my presence at all”, she wrote in her post.

The woman added that the only thing that made her feel better was meeting other women in the team.

Here’s what others who commented on her post said:

Earlier this month, a fresh graduate with a degree in marketing was disappointed after working hard for a year only to receive a $50 pay increment.

The anonymous woman wrote to singaporeuncensored stating: “After four long years of hard work and dedication, I had earned my degree in marketing. I was so proud of myself and I had already started to make plans for my life after university”. She added that she felt lucky to land a job immediately and was excited to find out she was getting paid more than she expected.

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“However, when it came time for my first salary review, I was a bit taken aback. The only increment I was given was a mere $50, even though I had worked hard for an entire year. I couldn’t believe it. I thought I’d get a better raise after all the effort I had put in”, she wrote. When she asked her boss why she had only gotten a $50 increment, he chalked it up to “company policy” and said that “it was standard practice for the company to only give out small increments to new employees, regardless of how hard they worked”.

“I was starting to feel like I was getting taken advantage of, and it was taking a toll on my mental health because I can’t stop harping on that fact. I eventually decided to look for a new job, as I felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere with my current one”, she added.

However, even after changing jobs, she wrote that she was still stuck with the same salary and felt she was still being taken advantage of.

Similarly, earlier this year, an old video of a cleaner job offer posted for S$3800 a month has resurfaced and been shared online. The job was for eight hours a day and six days a week.

An online page tracking incidents happening all over Singapore shared an old TikTok video featuring a job offer with a rather… enticing salary. The TikTok video, originally published in July 2022, resurfaced on Facebook and made a comeback on Wednesday (March 22).

Fresh grad says that after a year of slogging, she was only given $50 pay increment; boss says it’s “company policy”