SINGAPORE: User u/spendingonbrownies started a conversation on social media about managing “acceptable lifestyle inflation”, asking for tips on making life better without blowing one’s budget.

She shared, “I have been discussing with friends as to what’s the best bang-for-buck improvements in our life we can make with our money. There is bad lifestyle inflation like chasing after material goods and unnecessary purchases but there are definitely tangible improvements in life that we can make as we transition from different phases of life and earning power. After all, no point saving so much just to never spend it.”

Being a healthcare worker, she felt the pinch of rising expenses against a backdrop of slow income growth.

Willing_Finger6996 chimed in, stressing the need for everyday stuff like mattresses and phones to be comfy and reliable stating, “Anything in life I use daily, I need it reliable and comfortable.”

Lonely_Pattern755 shared that she’s moving from splurging on clothes and designer stuff to investing in key items while getting older.

She stated, “When I got older, my lifestyle inflation led me to eg. getting better mattress (i have Serta), beddings (I have Oak and Sand). In terms of electronics, I got myself an MBA so I don’t have to bring home my work laptop everyday.”

Germanpufferfish, a user in his 30s, had a different take. He talked about investing in relationships as a form of lifestyle inflation.

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He shared, “As I grow my relationship with my family, I find myself being more willing to spend if I’m confident it makes us happy, solves our problems or save us time. I hope it’s not too late that I only realised this year (yes it’s only been a few weeks) how important relationships are in my life.”

Giantstoneball came in with a reality check, warning against blowing cash on fancy goods that offer fleeting joy. Instead, he suggested “use more time efficiently,” “get more rest,” and “get more fun.”

He pointed out, “This is how everyone should spend more on their lifestyle. How much they can do it depends on how much they earn.”

On the other hand, Grimm_SG suggested that quality goods can improve your quality of life.

He said, “I know you mentioned about not chasing after material goods but I think buying good quality goods that you enjoy can improve your quality of life. For me, it could be a pair of noise-cancelling headphones, an extra monitor, an office chair, tailored clothing etc.”

Although users differ in their take on what an “acceptable lifestyle inflation” is, the general takeaway is:

You can level up your life without draining your wallet, even if you’re a healthcare worker or in a similar financial boat. /TISG