SINGAPORE — With Chinese New Year almost upon us, a woman took to social media, seemingly annoyed at the practice of giving one’s spouse (usually the wife) a red packet containing money (ang bao).

In her anonymous post to popular confessions Facebook page SGWhispers, the woman wrote: “I don’t understand why there is a need to give spouse(usually wife) angbao during CNY… there is even a “行情” (market rate) of how much you should be giving your spouse angbao, which is $288 to $688”.

She added that she never expected her partner to give her any ang bao to her: “It never occurred to me that he should give me or I should give him angbao… it’s like left pocket put in right pocket then right give it back to left”.

The woman also wrote that she didn’t understand why some ladies complained that their husbands or boyfriends did not give them ang baos, or if they gave them ones with less than $200.

According to some research The Independent Singapore did, husbands can opt to give their wives ang baos and vice versa, but this isn’t common practice in modern households.

“What do you all think? I’m just bit surprised and yet irritated when more and more ppl talking about this… I started distanced myself away from those ladies as I felt that we are not on the same frequency”, the woman wrote.

See also  How to answer awkward CNY questions

Netizens were divided on the topic. Some felt that ang baos should be given to one’s partner as it was about showing appreciation. Others agreed with the woman and said that it was hardly a necessary practice between people in a relationship.

Here’s what they said:

Similarly, the age-old question of how much angbao to give has sprung up again. On r/askSingapore, one Reddit user asked outright, “How much are you packing into your ANGBAO’s for 2023?”

The post owner continued, “I’m thinking $10 for smallest denominations, which is maybe 80% of all my angbaos. I have less than 10 pc $20 and fewer than 5pc $50 for super close family and friends. ‘Giant’ (to me) angbaos above $100 only 3 of them (elderly parents). Not sure if i’m cheap or generous. I think i’m average but can’t be sure.”

“Just give within your means – no need to overextend yourself to follow the mainstream,” answered one Reddit user, adding that “CNY Ang Bao is cultural significance.”

Netizen unsure how much angbao to give for CNY, asks ‘How much are you packing into your ANGBAO’s for 2023?’