Taylor Swift enjoys it when The Good Place star Jameela Jamil talks about body image. In case if you are wondering who Jameela Jamil is, she is a 33-year-old actress who was also a host in the UK, hosting the Channel 4 morning show, Freshly Squeezed and BBC Radio 1 program, The Official Chart.

Jamil joined the cast of The Good Place in 2016 alongside Kristen Bell, Ted Danson, D’Arcy Carden, and William Jackson Harper.

Jamil is an advocate of good body image, having had an eating disorder and body dysmorphia. She has condemned stars like the Kardashians for their weight-loss ads.

Both actress and singer have shown support for each other publicly. Jamil presented Swift her award for Woman of the Decade at the 2019 Billboard Music Awards and called her a superstar. 

Swift also called Jamil an amazing woman who is spreading body neutrality.


Speaking to Variety, Swift commended Jamil for advocating body positivity.

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The singer said she loves it when people like Jamil talk about body image. Women are held to an unrealistic standard of beauty and see a lot on social media which affects how they feel.

She said the way Jamil speaks makes her feel calm.

In an interview as People Magazine’s Person of the Year, Swift said Jamil’s words are a form of stress relief.

She said when she is stressed about things, she will read Jamil’s quotes about body image.

Swift also revealed her mother Andrea had found out she has a brain tumour while undergoing treatment for breast cancer. She said it has been a hard time for the family.