Singapore—Singaporeans gathered for a rally at Hong Lim Park on Sunday afternoon, November 3, following a week-long furore over a viral video of a man of Indian descent verbally abusing a security guard at the condominium where he lived.

Posters that read “We want a Singapore first labour policy” were seen at the rally.

The event was organised by activist Gilbert Goh, who wrote “Singaporeans, it is time to stand up for your rights to a reasonably good job in your own country – we must always adhere to the Singaporean-first slogan and that employment must be given to a local first before we ever consider a foreigner.”

Mr Goh announced last week that he had scheduled a single mother, a teacher, a security officer, an entrepreneur and a Grab driver to speak at the event, which also included a poster design contest and was to be followed by a press conference.

He wrote in a Facebook post thanking supporters and attendees that “one thousand Singaporeans” had come to the rally, while news site Reuters wrote in a report that around 300 to 400 people had gathered at Hong Lim Park on Sunday afternoon.

Mr Goh also thanked those who had spoken at the event, as well as those who had contributed to helping pay for it.

“Thanks to all our speakers who spoke bravely against CECA, Ramesh and the 6.9 mil population…kudos to you!

We collected close to $2000 in donation last night to offset the cost of organising the event – thanks!!!

We also want to thank all our volunteers for coming out earlier to set up for the event – a big cheer to you.

Most importantly, thank the one thousand Singaporeans who came out to support the anti-CECA event and many thousands more who watched at home on TOC live.

Thanks also to our volunteer for capturing the event on video, it should be out already by now for public viewing under Youtube Singaporean Voices.

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Let us continue unceasingly our fight against discriminatory hiring practices under the damaging anti-Singaporean CECA treaty.

If you face employment difficulties, please write in to us for our pro-bono coaching and counseling services.

We are here for you.”

Netizen Leslie Terh also attended the rally and put the number of attendees at around 700 to 800.

He also said that figures from the opposition Tan Kin Lian and Lim Tean also attended, and spoke at the rally, though many of the speakers were “drawn from among the average Singaporean workers affected by CECA” who had “unhappy episodes to relate.”

Mr Terh wrote in a Facebook post, “When veteran speaker Tan Kin Lian mentioned that citizenship have been granted easily to FTs..who have not even served NS..there was a roar of anger and disapproval from the crowd.

PVP Sec-Gen Lim Tean was also in the crowd and came up to the stage to give an impromptu speech to loud applause.

Was very happy and gratified to meet up with fellow former professional SAF retired officers who were also there. They make a good group photo. (See attached)—Cheers fellas.!

Thanks to Gilbert Goh for organising the event

A useful sunday evening well spent.”

Tan Kin Lian’s speech at the rally can be seen in full here./ TISG

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CECA 101: TISG answers your FAQs on the trade agreement between Singapore and India